Spring boot with Redis and Postgres using Docker
This Spring boot project was developed with the default authentication settings in mind and documentation to serve as a basis for developing other projects.
Publicated: 2023-09-10
- Role-based access control with JWT
- technology used
- Java 8
- Maven 3.6.3
- Spring Boot 2.7.0
- Starter Web
- Starter Data JPA
- Starter Test (JUnit / Mockito)
- Starter Log4J2
- Devtools
- Spring Security 5.6.4
- Secutiry Oauth2 Autoconfigure 2.1.5
- Security Test
- Springfox (Swagger) 3.0.0
- Lombok - Help setting up lombok
- Database
- Postgres:13 (Relational Database)
- Starter Data Redis (Token Store)
- h2database (Profile Test)
- Application.properties - Default
- Port: 5000
- Profile: dev
- Base path: /api
- Encrypt: bcrypt
- Hibernate DDL: update
- ExceptionHandler
- ProjectException:
- Status: 400
- Description: Exception provoked, n reasons, but mainly business rule
- AuthorizationException:
- Status: 403
- Description: Access Denied with RuntimeException
- ProjectException:
It is not necessary to have Java, Maven, Postgres or redis installed, all services will run in Docker containers.
Pre requirements
- Install docker here
File .env
- Example:
DB_AUTHSERVICE_DATABASE_NAME=authservice_database DB_AUTHSERVICE_USERNAME=postgres DB_AUTHSERVICE_PASSWORD=pg_postgres CLIENT_ID=52da334b25d96304a09901705846663fef41ce8f CLIENT_SECRET=99214c1e0dd20c56e76d4b2716b39e63a38e8d9b
Getting Started
- Git clone project
git clone https://github.com/andresinho20049/spring-authservice-with-docker.git
- Go into the project folder
cd spring-authservice-with-docker
- Create a file .env in root folder project
tee -a ./.env <<EOF
To exit type EOF, then press ENTER
- Run docker compose with env file parameters
docker compose --env-file=./.env up --build
It is configured by default to start in the Dev profile, in this profile a support user is created when starting spring
The default is:
Username: admin@email.com
Password: strongPassword@1234
With the project running, visit the Swagger page to test the endpoints
- In the browser type the path:
- or If you prefer click here
also visit redis console, runing port 8001
"id": 1,
"name": "Admin",
"email": "admin@email.com",
"updatePassword": true,
"active": true,
"roles": [
"name": "ROLE_ADMIN"
"name": "ROLE_ADMIN"
"name": "ROLE_VIEW_USER"
JWT Payload Example
"aud": ["restservice"],
"updatePassword": true,
"user_name": "admin@email.com",
"scope": ["all"],
"name": "Admin",
"exp": 1655404387,
"authorities": ["ROLE_ADMIN"],
"jti": "7d12042b-856b-41a7-b1d9-6acb220840a7",
"client_id": "52da334b25d96304a09901705846663fef41ce8f"
The main objective behind the development of this project was to create a reliable and secure authentication service that could be utilized by other applications. It was designed to provide a seamless experience for users, while ensuring their information is protected. Additionally, this project serves as a boilerplate, enabling developers to quickly build and deploy new applications with the same level of security and authentication functionality.
Project: Spring boot with Redis and Postgres using Docker
By: André Carlos (andresinho20049)
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Spring boot with Redis and Postgres using Docker
This Spring boot project was developed with the default authentication settings in mind and documentation to serve as a basis for developing other projects.